
Discover the stories behind my photographs, captured around the world in magnificent landscapes and foreign cultures

Rock Carved


Hello out there,

Not far from the southern Iranian city of Shiraz, is one of the worlds most important historic sites, called Persepolis, the former capital of the first Persian empire.

Honestly, is the historic significance of the place today much higher than its visual impression. Since unfortunately only ruins are left of various buildings and constructions, it takes a lot of imagination, to envision the past glory of the place. Very helpful in this regard was to study a bit about the history of Persepolis in advance. Doing so, I came across Naqsch-e Rostam, another historic sight near Persepolis, which I found quite interesting and I was very anxious to see because I could not imagine what to expect.

So I told the taxi driver on the way to Persepolis, to first stop at Naqsch-e Rostam. Already from the parking lot did I clearly see the impressive tombs of the ancient Persian kings up high in a rock face, of which the sight consists. Never before had I seen something like this and so I hurried up a hill to get a better view of it. Here I stood for a couple of minutes and just stared at the tombs, trying to understand, why and how they have been built up there.

Simply fascinated, I pulled out my camera, to capture the incredible view. As usual in Iran, the sight was not very busy and just two other tourists stood right in front of the tombs. I decided not to wait until they were gone and instead include them in my photo, to covey an impression for the tombs size. So did I just set up my camera and pressed the shutter.